Thursday, April 7, 2011

No vote, No voice

I chose some words that I thought represented or were connected to voting. I wanted something that would be quick and simple to read. The word "VOTE" stands out in the black and white background and therefore attracts the eye. The poster is simple, quick, and easy to look at.

I wanted to use something that would represent Canadian voting only, therefore I decided to use a picture with someones face with the Canadian flag painted on her face. I clone stamped the person's mouth to erase it, symbolizing "no voice." The words "NO VOTE, NO VOICE" is a quick and easy to remember message. It is strong and makes you think beyond than just what is written. If you don't vote, you are wasting your right to say something, to speak up, to have an opportunity to make a change. I wrote the phrase "no vote" in smaller sized font so that it shows that you really don't have a voice if you don't vote.

This poster also represents Canadian Voting. It shows the Parliament Buildings because it not only represents Canada it also represents our government and Canadian politics. "Your country, Your voice, Your vote" is the message I chose to portray because Canada is our country and it is our responsibility to speak up if we want to be heard and make a change, and voting is a right given to us to do so.

This poster is just a simpler version of the previous. Instead of having the Parliament Buildings as a distraction from the main message, I chose to right the message within the picture. The simplest picture that could could symbolize Canada is the maple leaf. This way, nothing takes attention away from the main focus: the message "Your Country, Your Voice, Your Vote." I chose to put these words in the colours red and white to also symbolize the Canadian flag.

1 comment:

  1. Geline, you're awesome. YOu met the deadline and did four times the amount of work required. The "client" would be delighted to have a choice of such strong images.
    The parliament building one is artistically interesting, but doesn't really call to a youth audience. I think it is better for standard voters and is nicely balanced and a nice filter effect.
    The one with the words in the background did not print well. The background words were pixalated and fuzzy. The file needs to be big enough the maintain crispness when it is blown up to print.
    The image without the mouth is FANTASTIC. It is edgy enough to attract teens and the message is strong and clear. I love it.
