Sunday, April 3, 2011

Express Yourself: 2011 OLOL Poetry Book Cover

I wanted the cover to be vibrant and full of colour. I started off with some ideas including, a bucket of paint, paint splatter, and an open mind with colours flowing out.

I decided to look for some pictures on the internet, and thought of the iPod silhouettes.

Then I used the magic wand tool to erase the orange background. I also added black paint
splatter on the top. Then I used the grass paintbrush tool to paint grass in black.

Next, I added the titles using the text tool. I chose white, so that it would stand out in the dark colour of the grass, and used a nice clear font.

Lastly, I used different colours to create the background.

I was contemplating on whether to use the multi-coloured background or just the plain white background. I decided to use the colourful one because it allowed the cover to be more eye catching and unique rather than plain and boring.

I used the iPod silhouette because it would catch the eye of the audience, high school students. Most people, if not all, would recognize the image. I thought it was simple and clear. I used the colourful background rather than the white one, because I thought colours could represent expression. I think the cover overall is not too much. It is not too crowded and there isn't alot going on, so that it portrays simplicity but also expression.

1 comment:

  1. Much better. This is more representative of the work you are capable of. The colours are great, and yes the image does speak to this generation. Please hand the rubric back to me so I can revise it.
