Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This album cover is for Katy Perry's Firework. It has plenty of colour and really attracts the eye. I put Katy Perry a little bit off center on purpose so that you could also see the fireworks. The only thing I wish I could change is the colour of the title "Firework" because the dark blue blended in in the black background and therefore, it was not very visible.

The second album cover was for Rihanna's Disturbia. The cover was very simple but I think it had a lot of impact. It looked creepy which really fit the title. I like how her eyes also stand out against all of its grey and colourless surroundigs. I placed Rihanna's face on the left side instead of the centre to make it look interesting and make the eye tavel somewhere other than just the centre.

The thrird cover was for Kanye West's Robocop. This album cover has a kind of wierd, cartoon feel to it. It really interprets the title because there is a robotcop right in the middle. At first, I put the background as city streets but later on decided to go with a club background. I think having the club background adds colour and makes it more unique. I think having the streets background is just to plain and boring while having thr club background is out of the oridinary.


  1. It's 8:55 on Wednesday night. The designs look good. I will talk to you about them tomorrow. I promise to come to class.

  2. Good designs, as usual. I find the font for Kanye West to be a bit too fuzzy and pixalated, and think your Distrubia design is the most effective. You've given a clear concise explanation of each. The client would be pleased.
